Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Dear Wonderer

Hey VISIUAL LEARNER this one is for you!

Do you ever wonder WHERE WE CAME FROM?
or wonder WHY WE ARE HERE?
or how about wondering  WHERE ARE WE GOING? I know that I think about this things all the time.

Heavenly Father is aware of us. He has a Plan for us. It is a Plan for us to find true happiness. You are important to him and I know it. He loves us each individuels so much that he gives us answers.



Pre-Earth Life, This is where we cam come from. Before this life we lived with God. We were spirits, Here is where Gods plan for us was made. Jesus Christ is central to this plan.


This life is a time for us to find JOY and prepare to meet God. We are tested here. We most follow the example of Jesus Christ and have Faith in him. Be Baptized, Recieve the Gift of the Holy Ghost and Endure to the End.

After Death in our earth life THERE IS A PLACE TO GO. We go to a place called the Spirit World, where if we lived righteously we will rest from our labours. If we have not yet accepted the fullness of the Gospel here is where it will be preached to those who have not found it so that ALL CAN HAVE THE CHANCE TO BE WITH OUT HEAVENLY FATHER AGAIN!

After the time in the spirit would ALL will be Resurrected, This is a blessing for all of us, no matter who we are. Everyone will recieve glorified bodies re-united with our spirits. After which we will be prepared for the judgment. We will live in immortatlity after this life. THERE IS HAPPINESS TO COME. We are judged by who we become.
After the judgment we.....

After the Judgment we will go to one of Three Kingdoms of Glory. The Lowest Kingdom isthe Telestial Kingdom. It is Equal to the Glory of the stars. Here is where those why would not except Christ in there life will go. No matter what we will be happier then we are here in this life. There is a place for everyone.

After the Judgment we go to one of Three Kingdoms of Glory. The Middle on is that of the Terrestrial Kingdom. This is equal to the Glory of the moon. Here is where those who lived good lives but may not have accepted the fullness of the Gospel will go.
1 Corinthians 15:40-41
After the Judgment we can go to one of Three Kingdoms of Glory depening on how we have lived. The greatest Glory is one Equel to the Glory of the Sun and is where we will live with our Heavenly Father in Eternal Life with Eternal Progression. THIS MY FRIENDS IS TRUE HAPPINESS!
1 Corinthians 15:40-41


<>  Love


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dear Soul Searcher

This is going to be a short post. I would like to share a short message that I recieved from a very dear friend of mine soon after she was Baptized. There is so much happiness that comes from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have come to realized that it is only through the Gospel of Jesus Christ that we can find lasting and true happiness and peace. If you are ever soul seaching on how to be happy. I promise you can find it with our Savior Jesus Christ. He is the way. I would like to share a note she gave to my companion Elder Silvester and I.

"Dear Elders Millard and Silvester, I am so deeply moved by the letters that you have given me. I feel fortunate to have been guided towards Baptism with you both holding my hand. There is so much love that you are sharing with people who have not yet been formally introduced to our creator through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am so thorougly grateful for the light that you have brought ino my life. I will never forget this gift and you who brought it.
This is what it is all about. Its about finding happiness and finding a relationship with God and sharing that with others aswell. I am Grateful for the joys of Missionary work and helping others find there savior. I testify that he is real and wants us to be happy. Finding the fullness of the Gospel will bring more peace to your life. It will answer the unanswered questions. Alma 5:40-"For I say unto you that whatsoever is good cometh from God, and whatsoever is evil cometh from the devil.". Baptism is a GOOD THING. I promise I have felt it. So have many others. Its my invitation to you to do a self evaluation and ponder on your salvation and go the direction Heavenly Father would have you. Remember the good feelings and dont dwell on the bad ones.

p.s. Dont your feel good right now too???? Go ahead admitt it. Think about it you know you do. HAHA