Hello I am Elder Tyler Millard. This is my first day on my blog, as much as I would love to make some grand entrance and say some amazing profound things I thought I would just tell you a little bit about me. I as you already know I am a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Right now I am serving here in Crescent City with my awesome companion Elder Dylan Blowers from the sweet state of Alabama. I come from Utah and am very happy to claim it. I love serving a mission.
Some think we are 1 million percent crazy to do this sort of thing but thats where the fun of it lies. We come out on our missions with tons of complete strangers! Even our companions are strangers to us. We speak with people from many different backgrounds and many do not care to listen. On top of it all we actually pay to do it. I am here to testify that it is so worth it.
We come here to "Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end." PMG page 1. This is our purpose. We do this because we have followed the same instruction that we give to people everyday. We have prayed to know the truth through the Holy Ghost. After we have prayed, exercised our faith and have gained a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ we desire to share it. We have made the decision to share what we know and have decided to make a commitment to spend two years serving the Lord. There is so much joy in doing this work. It is amazing. Sometimes it is hard and discouaging it is a great site to see the Lords hand our work. I truly have seen our message change peoples lives, always for the better.
I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior. I know that He lives. He has the power to bring families together, to relieve us from all of the guilt and shame that you and I have ever felt. I testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us so dearly. I know that this Church is true. It is my prayer that everyone will have the strength, willingness and humility to sincerally ask Heavenly Father in prayer to know the truth. Ask Him something you would like to know. "Do you love me?" "Is the Book Of Mormon true?" "Is this message true?". I know that when you do this you will recieve and answer.
Dont forget to pray.